Full Day Rate ( 8 HOURS ) - $290.
Hourly rate - $60
The Day Rate is roughly equal to 5 hours at the hourly rate, ($60/hr. x 5 hours = $300).
Minimum THREE hour bookings are required on the weekdays.
Minimum FOUR hour bookings are required on the weekends.
HST is additional.
To confirm booking, full payment is required.
Upon payment, you accept liability for all damages (property or personal) in the studio and premises during the booking.
Supplementary time in studio is billed at the hourly rate and must be paid before leaving the studio.
Standard Rate - $100
Large Video Production - $150
The damage deposit will be promptly returned within 24hours of the rental session if no claims are made against it.
Cancellation and Booking Changes Policy:
100% refund with seven days of notice.
50% refund with four to six days notice.
0% refund with three days or less of notice.